Crypto Transferred to the Wrong Network on Binance

Hey guys,
Today I did a transfer between My MetaMask account and Binance Wallet, however i cannot see the amount in the binance but i think i did it to the wrong network

https:// polygonscan. com/tx/ 0x98242360099a2840428453560850d2e87297cd0509bec813a39f11b7ef5569be

Tx id: 0x98242360099a2840428453560850d2e87297cd0509bec813a39f11b7ef5569be

Idk what else i have to do, please help me! :frowning:

I have the same problem. I sent BNB from metamask using polygon network. The transaction is a success on the polyscan but my money never appeared in my binance wallet. I opened a support call on binance but it was rejected because they told me that they cannot find the transaction ID on the network chain. I think they didn’t check on the right chain but cannot find a way to submit them the right info. So I’m stuck there. I have BNB that seems to be floating in the binance side but not in my wallet… anybody have a solution for this? Ty

I’m in the same situation. I wonder if anyone solved it.