Eth transfers from kucoin to metamask

Hi I need help!

I had withdrew my ETH to metamask.

I can see the transaction history that it stated confirmed but it is not appearing in my wallet .

Can anyone help ?? Thank you .

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Hi @DavidAvocado what network did you use? KCC or ERC20?

I used erc 20 network

Can you send me a transaction hash? :thinking:


I am new but I think you referring to this ? Haha


YES this is :upside_down_face: transaction hash

Ouch :neutral_face: someone made a transaction with your account :point_down: see this page

Balance: 0 Ether :no_mouth:

It looks like some scammer…

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What? Is there no way to remedy the situation ?? But I didn’t click on any suspicious link . All I did is just to copy my metamask wallet to kucoin for withdrawal.

I don’t know how it happened :neutral_face: someone robbed you. You can see everything on the page.

Luigi this happened to me too. I sent ETH from Coinbase to mm. Etherscan and mm activity both show I received it but nothing has shown up :confused:

Here is my hash- 0x332a4664aa037f29fd9dafa3f7f00d14c820e0af289c6be65eca9efcb4773cda

Please help :((

Hi @Littlemachado this transaction looks good :slightly_smiling_face: when you check
your ETH address 0xfB53… at do you see the right amount there?

no my amount has no changed, that is why i am confused. i feel like 15 hours is enough time. i tried resetting, refreshing, and redownloading MM but still nothing changes

@Littlemachado hmm :thinking: you can send me a screenshot of your MetaMask wallet.

this is what my value was yesterday BEFORE i even sent the Eth from my coinbase to my MM. i was trying to buy an NFT drop and needed some more ETH so i sent some but it never got to my wallet so i lost the airdrop and now i lost my ETH i guess lol

FYI this screenshot was taken just barely tho

The same amount is displayed on :smiley: now shows a different amount ETH?

I see IN transaction 0.27761176 Ether yesterday

i see the value on Etherscan and on my metmask show the same. but it hasnt updated. my balance yesterday before i sent the transaction was the same. i even have an app to manually keep track of all my assets and their value and my value of ETH should show .671651 ETH at $2642 worth rn

i feel like im almost crazy but i keep track of everything very very well so i know i didnt miss it haha

@Littlemachado your application is broken :sweat_smile: maybe

You see all your eth transactions here:

maybe i am going crazy… hahaha

@Littlemachado :sweat_smile: etherscan page does not lie

haha I already have it :grin: your application is changing your tokens to eth amount

All your tokens + your ETH = 0.6 ETH :slightly_smiling_face:

i must have been going crazy hahah. thank you luigi!!!

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