I have my 2 wallets verified with onchain attestation, I can only import one of them to Metamaks now, although I used to be able to access both on the same seed phrase? I have found the private key for one of them, but not the other. Is there anyway to get it from an onchain attestation?
Have you tried to access via Secret Recovery Phrase, and add all the accounts you want to access then grab private keys from there? This shows how to export a private key;
Hi yes several times I have tried and found the file which it accepts, but it always says invalid password? I have also tried forking the github repository and I don’t really understand what I am doing
Hi @NSB74, to access an account in MetaMask there’s pretty much 2 ways to go about it.
First way would be to have the wallet on the Secret Recovery Phrase where that specific was created under. (accounts created using the Add account > Add a new Ethereum account are derived from the Secret Recovery Phrase the wallet is on at that time) If the account was created this way then just doing the Add a new Ethereum account should display that account at some points as they always show up in the same order so if you were looking for the 5th derived account you’d need to do Add a new Ethereum account 4 times.
The second way you can access an account is if you’re importing the account using that specific account’s private key/ JSON file.
This is a great place to get a refresh on your knowledge or learn more about how MetaMask works: https://learn.metamask.io/
Hi I have tried that the seed phrase doesn’t bring the original address up, I can’t find the Private key and when I try to use the tool it keeps saying my password is invalid. I have added more accounts up to 30! still doesn’t bring the wallet address I am looking for up?
What tool are you using? The vault decryptor by any chance? If yes that’s not the intended use for that tool, you can try to use that when you lose your Secret Recovery Phrase, but from what you’re saying you have the Secret Recovery Phrase. In your situation either that account is under a different Secret Recovery Phrase and you need that Secret Recovery Phrase to access the account or you need the private key, I’m afraid there’s no other options.
OK even though I have all the json logs and encrypted data and vault from chrome?
If the vault decryptor tells you the password is incorrect when trying to use it the password you’re trying to use is incorrect.
It isn’t as I use the same password to get into the app on my phone and the google extension? So how would that work if it was the wrong password?
Passwords are local, you can have 3 different passwords for the same wallet on mobile and on 2 different PCs/ Laptops. When you use that vault decryptor you need to use the exact password you used for that specific wallet on that specific browser.
I use the same one or I would forget it, but I will try some others then. Could it be the password for the laptop rather than MetaMask?
It does not work like that, only if you used the laptop password for the wallet but otherwise no. How to recover your Secret Recovery Phrase | MetaMask Help Center < This article is a guide for the vault extraction, please read it entirely and the note from the article too. Always be careful who and what you interact with online and always do your own research before doing anything
I’ve tried it again and again and cannot get it to recognise any of my passwords. I have the exact extension vault data and have tried both uploading and pasting it. I just don’t know what else to try sadly.
You can try to reach out to the MetaMask Support team about this so they can take a more in depth look into the issue here: https://support.metamask.io/ and click “Start a Conversation.”
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