How do I transfer Shib token on the KCC mainnet to Eth mainnet?

Kucoin exchange has terminated deposits back to the exchange of kcc tokens.

What’s the easiest way to move these shib tokens to the Binance or eth mainnet?

hi @user3581 , try KCC official bridge。
bridge. kcc. io


@user3581 you will need KCS :upside_down_face: to pay transaction fees

You have a strange KCC network setup :smile: rewrite ETH to KCS


How do I rewrite eth to ksc

Basically I want to get these coins back on an exchange

I’m getting an error when I try to connect my MetaMask. Is there a step im missing?

hi, it works well for me.
disconnect your wallet and try again. or use a PC.


Kucoin exchange has KCC SHIB deposits disabled. If I Bridge SHIB (KSC to ETH), my funds go into negative. Is there a cheaper way to Bridge or a way I can sell my SHIB tokens on the KSC mainnet on MetaMask to fiat?

Is there a cheaper way to Bridge or a way I can sell my SHIB tokens on the KSC mainnet on MetaMask to fiat?

MetaMask does not support KCC’s swap, you need to use other dex.
Visit KCC’s ecosystem page(www. kcc. io/ app) and select dex, you will find some swaps available.

Make sure the token you want to swap can be deposited into kucoin, otherwise you will face the same problem. :cat:


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