I enter my 12 word secret code but my account has been reset and shows as new

I log in to my account with 12 words phr and shows me new wallet address and i cant see my old one. Pleas help me anyone.

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did you solve your problem? same mine, all my assets was gone after enter the 12 words.

Do you guys have your wallet public address? If you do, check it on etherscan or bscscan depending on what network gou have your tokens and check things are still there.

Could you guys have been hacked? Maybe someone phished your 12 word phrase somehow and stole your tokens?

If after a restore using the secret recover phrase and you’re not seeing the correct accounts in your MetaMask, please refer to this article. https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058120992-My-Seed-Phrase-Secret-Recovery-Phrase-restored-the-wrong-account