I have some problems with connection between my wallet and Foundation/Manifold/Knoworigin:

I have some problems with connection between my wallet and Foundation/Manifold/Knoworigin:
I connect my MetaMask wallet to Foundation and everything seems ok, but when I want to mint a piece, the site doesn’t connect to MetaMask to confirm a transaction,

also, when I open Manifold it doesn’t show Matamask at all,
and in Kownorigin I couldn’t do any transaction with my wallet?

I restart my browser and PC and delete my catch, but I haven’t been worked, what should I do?

Hi @samane Are you using the latest version of mm? I would personally try to reset the wallet but this is not recommended unless the support team tells you to. More details here:

Should you choose to reset your wallet then please ensure that you have your seed phrase safely written down.


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It could also be due to other extensions interfering with mm. I would suggest to deactivate those, but do you have issues connecting to all sites or is it just the ones you mentioned?

When you are on the mint page, can you try to click on MetaMask wallet and then on the top right circle to see if your wallet is connected? If not, then you can connect it from there aswell.

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Hi, thanks for your guide, yes I checked update and it was the last one, yes it seems good to reset it, if I do, my data won’t be delete?

yes I think this problems maybe created after I install another wallet “phantom”, but I delete it,
I just use these site and KnowOrigin and Foundation connect to mm but Manifold didn’t connect,
but Foundation and KnownOrigin couldn’t have any transaction with mm, when I mint or burn or change price of my nfts , it doesn’t connect to mm to show me transaction in order to confirm it

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yes I do, when I’m in mint page, I click on my wallet and it become open but not show confirm page

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Would it be possible to try on another browser where you haven’t installed other extentions?

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I did and It works in another browser! thank you
so its problem is what? should I delete my extensions on Chrome Browser?

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I don’t know which extensions you have but you don’t necessarily have to delete them. You can simply deactivate those that you believe might be interfering with mm.

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I deactivate Phantom before which I thought these problems, and now I just have MetaMask and Temple wallets and Grammerly and Google translate, I don’t think these create problems, maybe I have some problems with my chrome and its chash

I would deactivate any other wallets to see if that solves the issue. I would also delete cache and cookies.

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