I lost my private keys and the password

Guys, I’ve lost my private keys as well my passwords now I wanna recover my wallet how I can do that :broken_heart:


find your private keys…

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Nope, didn’t find yet.

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then you lost your wallet


Hey @Sara_55, if you do not have your Secret Recovery Phrase, you can try finding it with the Vault Decryptor:


Hi @ nakedwinnie you or someone’s else might help me I’m really worried as I received an error on Saturday that my Metamask encountered an error due to reaching a storage limit. The local data has been corrupted. Please reinstall metamask and restore with your secret recovery phrase.

So I deleted my app and all files connected to it on iPhone

I have a printout of my seed phrase
I have my QR code
I have everything

It’s saying ERROR invalid secret recovery phrase
If I try restore with my QR it says my I need to restore my wallet before I can use QR code
But I can’t restore my wallet with my secret phrase

I’m really worried too lose all the money I invested

Thanks to you and anyone else who can help
(I did back up my iPhone on a Mac. Try to find the JSON file to decrypt. But my METAMASK is showing no files on the backup.

Possibly because I totally erased my wallet on iPhone to re-install

I’m pretty desperate now

Thanks to anyone for their help

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Hi @BFNeedhelp !
Try this : install Trust Wallet on your iPhone, choos “I allready have a wallet”, scan your QR. Hope it works

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Thanks so much for your help

Honestly at the risk of sounding totally bonkers I want to reassure Metamask users!
I retraced all my steps by opening a new wallet etc and in the end I realize I had taken a printout of my 12 word secret phrase but with the words in an incorrect order🤦🏻‍♀️

My bad

So restore successful thanks for your help

Now I need to figure out out how to restore my original account in my wallet… but feeling much better!!


Hi @BFNeedhelp !

Really happy it worked!

If you had several accounts, you need just to add them by clicking the “Add account” button.


Glad to hear you got it! :slight_smile:

It’s usually just silly mistakes like that typing in the words wrong :sweat_smile:

@MomOfTwins Thank you for your helping!


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