I lost my seed phase! How can I restore my wallet with the vault decryptor?

If you still have access to your web browser on which you had your MetaMask wallet or your computer files, you can try to use the vault decryptor to to regain access to your MetaMask wallet.

You can find a guide to do so here.

Have further questions about how to use the vault decryptor? Post them here!


You closed my topic, that I could find a solution here. But like I said before. I cant access the browser anymore, even the extension in Chrome got away after my laptop broke…


@Moneywithtim even if you can’t access that browser anymore, it is sometimes possible to find the deleted vault file by working with a computer forensics company, so long as you haven’t continued using that computer and written over the part of your hard drive where your vault file was previously stored.


This is probably one of the best advices. The big problem is that people are coming here after they messed with their Metamask installations and not before.

I have helped people recover their Assets but what still puzzles me the most is how little they invest in securing their funds. Some store hundreds of thousands on their Laptops and share them with people, share their computers via Anydesk and so on…

Please, learn about Crypto first. Do not FOMO into new tokens and projects without first digging into the Ecosystem of Crypto and learning all the basics.

Crypto is an advanced feature that requires a lot of care because you are becoming your own bank. All the amazing rewards come at a price: learning about the new tech and protecting unwanted access to your funds.

You can still recover your address without the Seed Phrase if you still have the original files and did not mess too much with the files, specially if you have the habit to backup your files every now and then… but having the seed phrase is the best way to always have control over your assets wherever you go. Try to memorize it also. and use long and strong passwords when using Metamask.

Anyone with access to your computer can download the logs where your Vault Data is stored and brute force their way into it if you use a password of less than 9 characters.

I insist: learn, learn about crypto first, then enjoy the benefits of moving to the crypto space.


So it seems without password i am lost. I have the vault but damn cant remember my password.


If you have a new wallet and are trying to get access to one that you had before your current one to decrypt is that possible? Is the older .ldb file stored on your computer?

Thank you!


Can u help me out with this one?
So I imported my wallet with seeds phrase.created the first account and secondary account,and first one came out just fine,but the second one is totally different address than the I have before.
I look at the bscscan and my token are still there.but now I can’t access to my account since I don’t store my private key to that account.is there anything I can do to bring it back?


If the old second account was imported, you need to find the original private key to import it again.

If it was created the same way (by using the seed phrase) it should pop up naturally. Try creating a third account and so on till it shows up. If it does not, chances are you imported it from a private key. Try to remember what you did in the past. Good luck.


I never backed up my Recovery phrase


How do I recover my funds on mobile app
Ipfs was down so problem started


If you have a new wallet and are trying to get access to one that you had before your current new one…is decrypt for the original wallet possible?


Having the same issue any luck?


Hello all, looks like my meta mask is not opening from Firefox. White screen and just spinning also for my strong block and all other sites where linked with meta. I tried installing in my new computer but looks like I have wrong seed phrase. Very nervous about not connecting now and losing access!! Can anyone help. Hope this is the right place to post :pray: