I’m lost my funds?

I transferred 8 million from binance to Metamask on ERC20. but in Metamask it shows zero balance, and now?

Hi there. Welcome to the MetaMask community.
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Regarding your question, please follow the steps below.
Are you able to see the transaction on a block explorer such as bscscan.com as successfull?
Do you have BSC RPC set up on your MetaMask?
If the asset in the transfer is not BNB( a native token in BSC) it will need to be added to MetaMask’s token list as a custom token.

Hi! I transferred from Binance to Metamask, but it never reflect to my Metamask wallet and it seems to be auto transferred to other address. There’s no time difference between these 2 transactions. Have been sending emails to Metamask support for days but no reply yet.

здравствуйте, у меня все средства были выведены с моего кошелька на неизвестные адреса

я переводил свои токены из ethereum mainnet в matic mainnet через poligon, после чего все мои средства оказались на неизвестных мне адресах, как мне можно вернуть их?

Me pasa igual, se envio mi dinero a una billetera que no conozco y no sale ni en actividades solo en el scan y yo no hice esa transferencia,. AYUDA

Hello Team, I lost my funds…and Tian lim @tianlims twiter id is saying some network glitch is there and need to pay fee to release the amount/token. I paid 0.065eth to this address 0xd89073435972E7033f1Bf964cFeC4420f1Aa0112

Now she is saying pay more 0.058eth as it’s still stuck and needs manual clearance