I need to connect/or import crypto from my Toro, but how?

Hi there,

  1. I need to connect/or import crypto from my Toro, but how?

  2. I would like to upload and sell my paintings/NFT? But how?

Thank you! :slight_smile:

Love from Trude / Norway

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Hi @Trude and welcome to the MetaMask community,

Do you mean eToro? If yes, the following link can help you. Please remove the spaces I inserted in the link.
https: //www .etoro. com/news-and-analysis/crypto/how-to-buy-an-nft-on-etoro/


As for creating your own collections, you can use various NFT market places in this regard. For example, the following link provides information on how to create an NFT on OpenSea: Please remove the spaces I inserted in the link.
https:// support.opensea .io /hc/en-us/articles/360063498313-How-do-I-create-an-NFT-


Hey! Another place to start digging into on minting NFTs is manifold.xyz …this gives you the ability to mint on your own contract.

Keep in mind if you mint on your own contract researching best ways to list your NFTs too, since that costs gas also.

Cheaper to mint through OpenSea on their open contract but there is a trade off.