You are not the owner of this collectible

I created an NFT with NFT GO app and i minted it, i want to put it in my MetaMask wallet but it doesnt work, it says that i am not the owner. i even switched the network to Polygon, still,… when i try on the main network it complain about the ID,…


@Newaf ,

What site did you mint from? Be careful of scams.

If you paste your wallet address into , do you see a transaction ID where you minted the NFT?


I made the NFT on NFT go app and put it for sale, for gems in exchange.

But I cannot put it in my MetaMask wallet, and don’t know how to put in in my OpenSea profile.

I hope you can help me.

I find it on OpenSea with the same Id as the one I have on NFT go app

Generally, when you create an NFT, it is under the wallet address you created it under. You wouldn’t need to add it to anything. This is speaking generally since I do not know anything about this app.

I’d reach out to the support for the app you’re using. I’d like to add on to this to be careful of scams. Never provide or input your Secret Recovery Phrase into anything asking for it. Never send funds to get funds if a site requests it. Be very careful with what you load onto your device. And be sure you’re communicating with the legit support of any app you use and not an impersonator.


Hi @Newaf,
Have you searched your address on Polygonscan as mentioned by KBeeTheCapybara? If the NFT is minted to your address, you can find the relevant transaction ID there. You can find it among your tokens on Polygonscan as well.