I sold a NFT on Opensea for 0.073ETH. NFT is gone but 0.073 don't show up in my wallet

I sold a NFT on Opensea for 0.073ETH.
NFT is gone but 0.073 ETH don’t show up in my MM wallet.
Transaction shows 0.00ETH ‘‘Set Approval for All’’

here is the transaction


Thanks for your help!!

From the first Txn hash: Ethereum Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Etherscan

This shows the 0.063875 ETH being transferred to this wallet. (which looks like the same one the NFT was transferred out of): Address 0x6dd220c1209f7658605d6f67c46412594a539e32 | Etherscan

The second transaction hash is the one that gave the approval to sell the NFT.

From the block, the address you pay for NFT is the same as the address you receive eth, so you should receive your eth. Please check later. Sometimes there is some delay

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