Incorrect value Transferred to Coinbase

I transferred this ETH to my Coinbase account

0.09971813 ETH
182,82 € EUR

and received at Coinbase
+0.09832577 MATIC
€0.08 € EUR

This cant be correct. The transaction is also showing 0**.**098325777571366 MATIC($0.09)
So I think something went wrong MetaMask side?

Transaction Hash:

Hi friend! You’ve sent matic tokens to coinbase, not ethereum.

Please take a look here: Polygon PoS Chain Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | PolygonScan
You need to change the network to ethereum mainnet if you want to send eth from mainnet to coinbase. Ensure you send to the correct coinbase address.

Let me know if you have any other questions.


Thanks for the reply.
The address CB gave me to move from Poly was correct.
Can this be reversed in any way?

Transfers (and transactions in general) on a decentralized blockchain are final and cannot be reversed. Sorry.


You can try contacting the Coinbase team and see if there is anything they can do for you


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