Innovation: Is there any fundraising support for philanthropic blockchain institutions?

Good morning community MetaMask,

We find a big problem today in blockchain to get the support of the community that believes in helping humanity for the greater good, we see in the market today most NFT’s and cryptocurrency investors just wanting to make profits, and not help with some financial reserve that is not needed personally, projects that use blockchain to aim philanthropic aid in some countries.

We also find it difficult to obtain funding from large blockchain institutions because they do not have programs aimed at our work area, which aims at philanthropy.

I created this topic to discuss with the metasmask community alternatives that could help charities develop fundraising, which today is our biggest challenge in blockchain.

Suggest the development of a self-sustaining ecosystem for philanthropic projects.

I would be very happy with your opinion and suggestions.


Boa tarde Comunidade, estava dando uma procurada e encontrei a Polygon Investment Funds que pode apoiar nosso projeto blockchain filantropico e tambem possui a Binance Labs. Se souberem de mais instituições financiadores de projetos socioambientais, tencologicos e com grande impacto financeiro comercial podem sugerir. Todas ideias são bem vindas! Atcs CEO JH