Irritating pending transactions

You need to use the custom nonce to cancel the pending transactions you have on the Ethereum network. Please do not use the custom nonce for other networks on which you do not have a pending transaction.

If the transaction is not shown on the explorer, do as follows and clear the activity and issue a normal transaction without using the custom nonce.

Settings > Advanced > Clear activity tab data

For more information, please refer to the following link.


The MANTA case is okay. The ETH case is so annoying…
I contacted Meta support. He said I may not have enough ETH to submit the cancellation order as I don’t have enough to cover the MAX FEE
But look:

As above how can I don’t have enough for the max fee as it definitely lower than my total number???

Are you still getting the same error you have shared before?

If yes, adding more ETH may help. Add enough ETH and if the issue persists, please let us know how it goes and continue conversations with the support in this regard.


I still don’t understand how can it be NOT ENOUGH eth while the MAX FEE displayed after adjusting all the “gas components” is always LOWER than what I actually HAVE.
Even if that’s REALLY the case, how much eth do you think I should ever add up to be able to cancel the nonce 17 transaction. I really don’t want to add more funds for a NOT SURE solution and end up with more LOSS.

Please read this response:

That would be best to continue conversations about this issue with the support team.


I contacted Meta technical support. Can anyone give me or suggest an estimated ETH I should add to solve this tricky stuff please.
Just give me a number and I’ll give it a shot. (Although I still don’t get it why the max fee displayed is definitely lower than my balance)
Thanks and best regards,

Please don’t post pics of your discussions with support here, for your own protection.

Need to have more ETH than what max fee shows. At the same time, it all depends on how high gas fees are at the time you are trying to do the transaction and you can check gwei for that on etherscan to see for yourself when it would be lower. If your transaction asks, for example, for 0.005 max fee ETH than make sure you have 0.01 ETH, just to be sure you have no issues.

Also, please proceed with the support team if you are already in contact.

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thank you for your support sir!
With that said, my balance is currently 4 times higher than the max fee showing below

Btw, I’m asking here again because my support ticket just ended as I don’t have time to reply back the email these days.

Use 28 Gwei | Ethereum Gas Tracker | Etherscan to track gwei and use higher than what it shows on there to get your pending transactions unstuck, by using the methods in the article guides shared with you in this topic.

Somehow your oldest nonce is 17, but it’s for the transaction of 0 ETH sent to yourself and your actual oldest pending transaction has nonce 18. Try unstucking each of them.

You’ll need more ETH than what you currently have to get rid of this issue that you got yourself into.


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