Irritating pending transactions

Hello all,

A couple of days ago, I tried to swap ETH for MEME right on MetaMask but apparently, it didn’t work out so well. Unfortunately, I tried a couple of times which led to 7 or 8 pending transactions lined up on the ETH network. These transactions prevented me from performing other activities. I tried to cancel it by hitting the “Cancel” button and replacing transactions with nonce (with the oldest tx first). None of those methods paid off my patience.

Here is my wallet address and you can see all the pending tx: 0x651A5404390Ed347ADEc8976b76E1f0B73d52102

Many thanks for any help!


hey @user154 , follow this to cancel pending transations.

Key points:

When using this method, you will need to work backwards from the oldest pending transaction in the queue that you want to cancel . For example, you cannot attempt to cancel a transaction with a nonce of 10 before canceling nonce 9.

To make sure your cancellation request is picked up as a priority, and before the original, you will need to pay more for gas. On this screen, follow these instructions:

  • Set your gas limit comparable to or slightly higher than your original transaction.
  • Set your priority fee to at least 10% higher (in Gwei) than the gas fee of the original (pending) transaction (e.g. if that transaction had a gas fee of 30 Gwei, set the max priority fee in the replacement/cancellation transaction to 33-35 Gwei).
  • Make sure your max fee is at least 30% higher than the max fee of the transaction you’re replacing. For example, if your previous fee was 150 Gwei, choose something nearer 200 Gwei this time.

Thanks for the advice. I tried all those things above, with the oldest TX nonce and advanced setting for gas fee.

Do you know if these TXs will keep pending forever and my acc considered as frozen permanently?

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When gas is low enough your transaction may be processed successfully. But it may take a long time. My friend once waited for a month without success.
You can easily cancel them by following the tutorial in the article.


So is that you mean after a long awaited time, transactions failed themself and I will be able to continue on using my acc?

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If you don’t deal with it, it may remain pending, no one knows how long it will be.

You currently have 7 pending transactions.
The earliest random number is 17. You first need to enter 17 in the custom nonce, and then follow the steps in the article to set the gas to cancel this transaction.
Then 18,19 … 23


Try that pump me into this message :sleepy:

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Restart your browser and try again.
If it doesn’t work, contact the support team.

  • This will connect you to a bot at first, answer some questions and it will open a ticket for you with an agent.

Remember - NOBODY, including from support, will ask for your secret recovery phrase or for you to input it onto any website for confirmation.


Still experiencing this message over and over again, no matter what input for the gas setting. Anyone has any other ideas please?

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hey, contact the support team as above, they will guide you on what to do.


Hi @user154,

The pending transactions under your account show that you issued new transactions with new nonces several times. Moreover, when cancelling the pending transaction with the lowest nonce, you have chosen very low gas parameters as shown in the image. That is why the issue has not been resolved.

You have pending transactions with nonces equal to: 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23.
You need to cancel them starting from the transaction with none equal to 17.

To cancel the transaction with nonce=17:

  1. Send 0 amount of ETH to your address in a new transaction with nonce equal to 17.
  2. Choose the gas parameters high enough for the transaction to go through. Use the advanced gas option and set the parameters (Max base fee, priority fee) based on the highest values given on Etherscan at the time of your transaction. 13 Gwei | Ethereum Gas Tracker | Etherscan

Please read carefully, Method 2: Custom nonce from the article shared above.


The Ethereum gas is relatively low today. However, the gas you have chosen is several times lower than the current Ethereum gas fee as shown in the image attached to my previous response.


First of all, I really appreciate your response. Please see my attached pictures of the input for max priority. I adjusted that but then I will always receive the message in picture 2. Does that mean I should add more funds to fulfill the nonce 17 transaction?


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I think you’re right.


I have not seen such an error before, but since you have several pending transactions and the error mentions “insufficient funds for gas”, adding more ETH to your wallet may help. Please let us know how it goes, and if the issue persists, that would be best to contact the support team in this regard.


Thank you my friend! Adding more funds seems to be a risky solution to me. Transferring funds to ETH network is not cheap, if this doesn’t works, I am gonna lose even more.
Just eligible for claiming ALT airdrop, I guess I will have to let this wallet goes for good.
Thank you all for you guys’ help these days, really appreciated that!

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You can send ETH to your wallet when the Ethereum gas fee is low. Check the gas from the Etherscan gastracker, link shared above.

The problem can be resolved by cancelling the pending transactions. That would be best to contact the support team.


I have another question: transaction nonce 17 on ETH will it be the same transaction on another network that has the same nonce. I mean nonce 17 on ETH and nonce 17 on ARB, are they the same one?

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Because I were trying to send MANTA to Binance, everythings were fine from claiming until this step. MetaMask pick up nonce 17 for that transaction and seems I am stuck a gain on Manta network but check on the explorer could not find the pending tx like ETH. So confusing…

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No, they are separate. The pending transactions on one network do not affect the other networks.