Hi, help please a few transations STUCK

SO, 5 days ago I sent a ‘contract creation’ transaction on ETH using Pinksale. The suggested gas was HUGE so I used custom gas settings to get it from $300 down to under $100. The transaction seems to be stuck now and no way to cancel it. I have tried sending a cancel request with higher priority gas (but not prepared to send $100’s to cancel it)… so now that transaction is still ‘pending’ on the blockchain. It is stopping me doing other transactions from that wallet and also it seems that I cannot send other ETH transactions from other wallets of mine as they are also getting stuck.

Any ideas for a solution that is not going to cost me TONS of gas. I have tried setting a custom NONCE and sending to my own wallet, that hasn’t gone through either so bit stuck.

Any help appreciated.

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hi @Yangster ,try the method in this article.


Hi @Yangster,

When using the custom nonce method ( Method 2: Custom nonce from the link shared above), use the advanced option and choose the following parameters high enough for the transaction to go through.

Max base fee
Priority fee - This one is very important.
Gas limit

You can choose these parameters at time of the transaction based on the values shown on Etherscan, gastracker (etherscan. io /gastracker )

You had better do it when the Ethereum gas fee is low. Now it is around 20 Gwei which is relatively good.
Please read the (Method 2: Custom nonce) carefully before doing the transaction.
Hope that helps.


OK, so I have tried that… found the nonce and sent 0 ETH to myself from the same wallet with super high gas… (fails and comes back as “dropped”)

Here is the record that I am trying to clear…

It has now been pending for 6 days and I fear that there is no way to unlock this wallet now
Help appreciated.

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Hi. It’s not pending anymore, it’s been dropped. If you still have issues and can’t send transactions, make sure the issues aren’t present in your wallet still.

Use this guide to help you with that:


OK, yes that has been cleared now…

Now I have the issue that I am trying to send ETH to another wallet of mine using MetaMask… I have no pending transactions in the wallet in question. The wallet has 1 ETH in it, but now when I try to send with the suggested gas fee it doesn’t do anything. (I have also tried a custom RPC from chainlist.org) and that isn’t helping either. I just seems that for an unknown reason I cannot send from MetaMask on the ETH mainnet… help please!

Here is an example… In MetaMask my wallet says “pending” but when I got to etherscan then I get this:-

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This might help: https://support.metamask.io/hc/en-us/articles/360015488891-How-to-clear-your-account-activity-reset-account

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Yep, already tried that and clears the pending. But then when I go to send again the exact same thing happens other… I have no other pending transactions in that wallet, I have cleared out all previous pending by finding the custom nonce and then sending to myself a zero value transaction again… no luck…

Am I right in saying that as I have 20+ wallets on my machine (all MetaMask) that if there is a pending in one wallet that should not affect another wallets ability to send?

That should not affect other addresses, no.

Have you tried restarting your pc or so? That has helped me in many cases.
If you are comfortable with it then feel free to share your address and I’ll take a look into it.

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Have a look at this

The transaction has gone through which is GREAT and as expected… (yes have restarted PC and closed all browsers etc, maybe try clearing cache etc next)… but in my MetaMask wallet the transaction still says PENDING even though it has gone through… weird

Might be a visual bug. It would probably disappear if you did a reset (look prev msg)

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Is this one of your wallets?


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No… why? Is there something I should be aware of?

It looks like they’re trying to send you something but the tx is pending so I thought it was anther wallet of yours. Nvm though.

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