Login In on desktop not possible -

Hello support,
on my desktop I can not login anymore as - see screenshot - it keeps spinning and spinning with no end.
funny, I can log in on my mobile phone.
I wonder why, as I have nothing changed besides I was installing solana snap with solflare which worked cool yesterday. Today, I encounter the not being able to “login” anymore as described.

Using Brave Browser since long time and never failed me.

Any information on this one or is it just a matter of patience to wait and see if it is possible later in the day…

on solflare(.)com/onboard/MetaMask it tells me “MetaMask” not detected.
So, I guess, something is seriously screwed up here…on which side is the question?

thanks for reading…

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Restart your browser and refresh the page.

If you have other Solana wallets installed (such as phantom, solflare), disable them in the extension management page. Then refresh the page.


restarting the browser doesn’t help…the only extensions I have activated is MetaMask in Brave…I used the solana snap (snaps(.)metamask.io/snap/npm/solflare-wallet/solana-snap/)) which installs the whole thing automatically in MM…was going very smooth…

I really don’t know what happend overnight…

to add to my observation is on solflare(.)com/onboard/MetaMask it shows me at the end of the process “access wallet” the message MM not detected.

Note: In MM itself, there is only one small account connected to this solana snap. But anyway…

thanks for your answer @tuya from above even so it did not solve the problem…sometimes the small things work out best, but in this case I really wonder what broke this overnight?



Is your MetaMask extension updated to the latest version?

anyone can help ? I couldn’t find a solution to this error on the forum.

Is your MetaMask updated to the latest version? Did you also start facing this issue after installing the solflare snap like the user said above?

I am sorry for not replying but I was busy otherwise.
How I solved the problem?
simple…I completely removed MM from the browser…installed everything new but not the solflare snap (instead I installed solana’s phantom wallet) and all is good.

I did all the things to fix it like empty cache, browser history and I don’t know whatelse but not result…so I had to do the whole thing new…

Not sure, if snaps work for other people, but from now on I want to keep it seperated for the time being.

Please reach out to MetaMask Support.

  • This will connect you to a bot at first, answer some questions and it will open a ticket for you with an agent.

Remember - NOBODY, including from support, will ask for your secret recovery phrase or for you to input it onto any website for confirmation.

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