Lost 99% of value in PYR to HEX swap

I appear to have lost 99% of my $ in a swap. Can anyone tell me what happened?


There may have been a token swap and I sold the pre-migrated “worthless” tokens. I am contacting PYR to see if there is anything that can be done.

You authorize the smart contract to withdraw your assets indefinitely.

Hey @goupperninty, sorry to hear this has happened.

First and foremost, please make sure you are interacting with legitimate tokens. The price difference from this swap is most likely an indicator that these are scam tokens.

In other cases, there can be significant price impact and/or slippage due to low liquidity when performing a swap transaction. Here is more information on our Knowledge Base:

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I determined that PYR “migrated” (?) their token from the Eth to the Polygon network. So I was given new tokens that I could not see in Metamask until I “imported” (?) them. I have now done so and have the new tokens and all is well. I know my terminology is wrong but hopefully that is clear.

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Gotcha, good to hear! :slight_smile:

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