Lost $$$ during metamask swap - please educate

Lost about $7,500 via metamask, swapping 15k USDC for $BUY. What went wrong? Any feedback greatly appreciated.

TX hash: 0x2877039404aca748b4cf8d12e266be086fa7ef28ae07f448cc0de03ed170d472


Hey @letsgo, sorry to hear this has happened.

Please make sure you are interacting with a legitimate token.

Here is some more information in this article on our Knowledge Base:

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Thank you for the reply. The token looks legit (so far), but it looks like I lost about half of my investment during the 13 transactions that contributed to the swap. Wondering if I could have done something differently? Maybe I unknowingly authorized the swap at a rate that was 50% lower than the going market rate, and funds were skimmed/lost during the swap? If there’s any recourse, I’m all ears. Thank you!

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The transaction was routed through sushiswap with extremely low liquidity. You essentially bought the token with 2x the price due to low liquidity in the pool.

edit: It seems theres other swaps in uni v2 and v3 with roughly the same or more liquidity, but 1inch decided to route the swap via sushi. The problem seems to be with 1inch routing.


Hey, @Spurdosparde, welcome to the MetaMask community! :fox_face:

Thanks for your helpful response!

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