Lost ETH during swap, execution reversion

Hi, tried to swap ETH to POOH, error occurred, transaction failed and it says execution reverted. I understand the gas fees are lost but I have also lost the initial contract value of 0.35 ETH, please help. (transaction hash 0x5476853307fa0a63233c469a2fcc96b54a4685a0a1232bbfe7351f8c4673311b)


hi @arji503 welcome to MetaMask community.
your eth has been swaped to pooh and it is in your wallet.
hash: 0xab31925ff2ddbb69df10b0570afccde4d9dd330ff96fc6e77f3ed9e537ecfaae

Add its contract address to your wallet and you will see it:


HI Tuya
Thanks for your reply. I tried this swap again with the same value of 0.35 ETH and the second time it went through. However the first time that 0.35 ETH was lost. Before both transactions I was sure I started with 2.7 ETH in my account, but I have just over 2 ETH now which means the first 0.35ETH has been lost. Your help is greatly appreciated.


Hey @arji503, all your transactions are recorded on the blockchain and visible on https://etherscan.io/. If your first swap transaction of 0.35 ETH failed, then the 0.35 ETH stayed in your wallet. If you’re unsure, I would suggest going through your transaction history.


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