“Metamask cannot load balance”

“MetaMask cannot load balance”

“MetaMask cannot load balance”

“MetaMask cannot load balance”

“MetaMask cannot load balance”

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hi @user1895 .
There may be a temporary problem with MetaMask’s default rpc.
You can use the following tool to change your rpc:
https:// ct.app/rpcServer/eth
connect MetaMask, then switch to a new rpc.

Then your balance should be displayed normally.


hi @user1895 , this is not the right place for your comment, please use the Support category next time. Regarding your comment, try changing the RPC as suggested by our guide. Thanks


Hi you !! Are you know about new mobile app MetaMask is can’t access after up 7.37.0 version

Yes, there has been several users reporting the issue, the team is working on a fix. Thanks for bringing to our attention, please use Support category next time so we can rightly track, thanks a lot!


Many thank for your support !!!


I just entered my password 5 times, it didn’t confirm, and I refreshed the page a few times, but it opened. I’ll explain why it happened this way. Maybe it’ll be useful to someone. My Go battery was in super optimization mode when I logged in.

When I logged in, it didn’t work because firstly, we need a Vpn, and secondly, the battery wouldn’t let it work, it kept giving an error. I came out and took the phone out of recovery mode without closing the MetaMask screen. Of course,This is the second time. The first time I reset the wallet.

Thanks for sharing possible troubleshooting steps, so you figured it out by yourself and everything is okay now?

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