Missing tokens from successful transfer


im still new to MetaMask and have been testing it out the last week. i transfered BNB tokens from my Uniswap account to my Metamaksk wallet. i recieved a succcessful alert in both wallets that the transfer send and an alert that i recieved ETH but i dont see it in the ETH wallet.

i have added the uniswap wallet as a contact already tp my MetaMask wallet list of contacts. ive toggled between the differnt base system wallets (ETH, BNB, etc) qnd have waited a couplr of days for it tp refresh but still so not see it.

i saw something in the forums about possibly needing to bridge the wallets but i dont see that option in the moblie app.

any help would be greatly appreciated

transaction details.

hi @willcrain . Add BNB’s contract address to your wallet and you will find it.

Click this article to learn how to add a contract address


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