PR review needed - Updating Fuse network logo

Dear MetaMask team,

Reaching out to you to kindly ask for help to review our PR on GitHub - we have the wrong logo associated with our custom Fuse network on MetaMask extension and we kindly ask for your help to update it as soon as possible. We created a PR to pull the right network logo but it has 2 pending reviews from the code owner: Update Fuse logo by LiorAgnin · Pull Request #23325 · MetaMask/metamask-extension · GitHub

Please help us get the reviews done to merge the PR, thank you in advance.

Best regards,
Misha | Fuse network

I will raise with the team


Thank you @nakedwinnie!

@nakedwinnie hi! Could you kindly bump the team on this once again - we have added all the requirements to a new PR, missing reviews from your side.

Thank you in advance!

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