Seed PhraseVault Decryptor - Can Not Read Vault From File

Hi all,

I’m looking for anyone who might be able to help me recover my seed phrase, I have located the .ldb files but the vault decryptor can not read the vault from the file. I am not particularly adept with coding or navigation, so I’m looking to commission someone to help me recover my phrase. Please reach out if you think you can help as I’ve hit a brickwall with MetaMask support.


Hi @SBC when you need assistance or give a little direction :slightly_smiling_face:
write to my telegram. You can find it in my profile:

I’ll just have dinner and write you back :smiley:

But IT’S EASY :smiley: you have to find the data manually.

Search for words like: keyring, salt, data :point_down:


The word data does not always have to be at the beginning :point_up_2: and in this case
you have to write the word data manually at the beginning :smiley: delete what doesn’t belong there.

Delete all :point_right: \

You would now have something like this:


Copy your text and paste it into MetaMask Vault Decryptor :slightly_smiling_face:


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