Selling NFT on matic mainnet, unsure whats happened and i added inIam trying to sell this NFT, i have added custom RPC, and changed network to polygon, i sent over polymatic how to i get the crypto acorss networks, this is so i can unlock transactions on

Iam trying to sell this NFT, i have added custom RPC, and changed network to polygon, there isnt a polygon network to choose i sent over polymatic and it arrived in my mainnet on ethereum, i need to get matic over to polygon netowrk i added in on network through RPC, (just to note the item would go to sell on the opensea it seemed i did everything right i juat cannot get the cyrpto matic that i need to sign a 0.000001 fee to unlock the sell option ) how do i get the crypto acorss networks, this is so i can unlock transactions on opensea iam a bit lost at the moment help would be nice

New users cant post images, thats a bit annoying on my half as i may not be able to explain how to solve this problem

I dont really understand how iam ment to show you my problem

Ill wait to here back from you