Send KAVA to Binance get "Not ETH network, set to lowercase" error

Trying to send KAVA to Binance on the KAVA network. When I enter the address provided by Binance, I get “Not ETH network, set to lowercase” error. Binance says I will need to enter a memo as well. How can I do this? Thank you.

hi @PeaPod welcome to MetaMask community.

Are you transferring KAVA from your MetaMask wallet to Binance?
If yes, you need to change to another exchange, such as Gate. Because Binance does not support KAVA EVM, its deposit address is not supported by Ethereum wallets (such as MetaMask).


Hi, Looks like I need to first send the KAVA to Trust wallet. Then send to Binance from Trust. What a pain.

If your KAVA is on the EVM network, even if you transfer it to other wallets, you still cant send it to Binance, because Binance does not support the KAVA EVM deposit channel.
So the easiest way is to send to an exchange that supports KAVA EVM, and then select the kava chain to transfer to Binance.
Another possibility is to bridge your kava from evm chain to kava chain, then you can deposit directly to Binance. provided you need to find the bridge.


I was able to send from MetaMask to Trust and then on to Binance. All good.

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AlthoughI don’t know why this works, but I’m glad you solved it :+1:


I followed these instructions found online (guess I can’t post a link here).

Sending Kava from a MetaMask wallet to an exchange
Kava Squad

If you have Kava in a MetaMask wallet and wish to send it to an exchange you will often need to provide a ‘memo’ but this is not possible with MetaMask. The solution is to send it to a Cosmos based wallet first, this includes ‘Keplr’ (desktop chrome extension), ‘Trust Wallet’ (Mobile) or ‘Cosmostation’ (Mobile)

Once you have set-up a Kava address with this new wallet (starting ‘kava1’) there are two options to move the Kava to this wallet from MetaMask

A. Direct via it’s associated EVM ‘0x’ address
Every Kava address has both a Kava Chain (Cosmos based) address starting ‘kava1’ and a EVM address starting with ‘0x’

Copy your Kava address from your Cosmos based wallet (i.e Keplr/Trust)
Paste that address into search area of Mintscan blockchain explorer

  1. Click on ‘Ethereum’ in the black box on the left hand side to reveal the ‘0x’ address

  2. Return to MetaMask and Send your Kava to that ‘0x’ address (it is advisable to do a small test transfer first)

  3. Now open your Cosmos based wallet (i.e Keplr./Trust) and send that Kava to your exchange deposit address (remembering to include a memo where required).

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thanks for your sharing :joy: :+1:


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