Can someone please advise me on how to send my 1.704 Avax Avalanche which is in my MetaMask Smartchain…to my Binance or Kucaoin or to my Avalanche wallet…I cant move the Avax it anywhere. says insuficent ballance even if i try to swap it…can I move it from MetaMask smartchain to MetaMask Avalance Network? Any hep please as I have tried all parameters.
Hi @Metheme69 do you have this token?
You have any BNB on MetaMask wallet?
As @Luigi mentioned, please make sure you have BNB in your account to pay for gas fees.
Hi All
Some sort of success I transferred some BNB and was able to send my AVXA from metamask to the C-chain link in Avalanche wallet…but it is not there? so recap it is no longer in my Metamask was sent to C- chain link in my Avalanche wallet store…but not there…disappeared.
@Metheme69 why didn’t you answer my stupid questions oh man
You mean this wallet? you copied 0x … address there?
yes sir that is the wallet i sent to
OK it’s nothing terrible I’ll shoot you hehe
Open Manage Keys click View C Chain Private Key copy private key
Import to MetaMask wallet switch to BSC network and add Avax token
PS: when your token is on the BSC network you must select a BEP20 (BSC) address
I will send you a gun to shoot me…this is very confusing…thanks for help, I will let you know how i get on /////////////might need a shotgun. thanks Luigi
You have to be careful
Morning Luigi
Still struggling here,cant see tokens.
Metamask shows no activity of the Avalance tokens sent.
And see no option to deposit tokens on BSC network they dont show up.
Thanks for your time and help.
Will get a few extra bullets for the gun…might get a cannon
@Metheme69 click View C Chain Private Key and import it into the MetaMask
and pray to make it work
I have given up cant do it it is impossible
@Metheme69 it is easy, write me on my telegram nick you can find it in my profile.
thank you Luigi I will do that
Hi Luigi
Cant see your telegram link in bio…cheers
Hello,I transfered some AVAX on my kucoin wallet to MetaMask wallet but I cant see my AVAX
and a transaction that I did not make . I did the block 7080991 transaction but I did not make the block 7081025. How can I get my AVAX back.My MetaMask address 0xe03480E46c4e74Ea1017E3cC387dA71EBd014521
Hey @ckayra9, welcome to the MetaMask community!
To see your AVAX on your MetaMask wallet, please make sure your wallet is configured for Avalanche Network. Here’s some more info on our Knowledge Base:
If there was a transaction you did not make, it may mean that your wallet is compromised, please refer here on our Knowledge Base for more info: