Avax moving from Binance to Metamask

Dear Support Team

A few days ago I sent Avax from Binance to MM on C-Chain.

I still cannot the see my funds in my MetaMask wallet.
I have noticed that my MM adress on snowtrace does not have capital letters, even though I did copy/paste the adress from MM to Binance and also used it in the past where it worked.


Is this the problem, what can I do?

Thank you


It looks like your tokens arrived fine in your wallet. If you click on your wallet address in that transaction, you’ll see the first line item under transactions is the “in” of a little under 27 AVAX which is sitting in your wallet.

Do you have the AVAX network added on your MetaMask? See this MetaMask Knowledge Base article. Towards the bottom there is a ‘adding Avalance to MetaMask’ option you can choose:

Feel free you to edit your original message to remove your TXID. if you’d like, While blockchain network activity is public, attackers may try to link your username to your identity to figure out ways to get you to fall victim to phishing attacks.



Thank you for your help.

I’m using MetaMask as a Chrome addon.
Avax Network is already added in my MM wallet.
But the last transaction I see under activity tab is from Sep 8, even though it should show Dez 15.
The amount of 27.52 Avax is in my wallet since Sep 8.
26.9 Avax should have been added on Dez 15, making a total of 54.42 Avax.
Why can I not see the transaction in the activity tab ?

Here is a screenshot of my MM wallet

Take a look at this on snowtrace:

You can see the 26.98 transferred into your account a little over 3 days ago (it’s the first listed transaction). It’s the same TXID you are sharing.

You can follow everything under teh transactions tab and ERC20 tab to see when funds were transferred out prior to these transactions if you’re looking for information on prior funds. Any tokens you don’t recognize, don’t mess with them probably airdrop scam attempts.


I can see that the transaction got through on snowtrace, but still it is not showing up in my MetaMask wallet. On my screenshot you can see the last transaction my MetaMask wallet is showing is from Sep 8.
Also my total Avax value did not increase after the transaction from Dez 15.


following your wallet transaction history, I’m able to see your AVAX balance in and out from the start. It looks like with your last transfer in, everything balances with the screenshot. However, if you’d like to discuss with someone further on this, you can reach out to our Help Desk.

Visit support.metamask.io and choose ‘Start a Conversation.’ You’ll be asked a few questions by a bot but as you answer a ticket will be opened.

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Thanks for your help.
Still I don’t understand why in my MM wallet under activity the last movement is from Sep 8.
But this should show Dez 15, since this was my last transaction.
Do I miss something?

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Your wallet does show activity under December 15th. The latest transaction, see the age of the transaction (it’s in real time) :

Check out the value columns (will show if AVAX amount) and between the From and To columns shows if it was a transfer coming in the wallet (in) or going out of wallet (out). Age shows how long ago that transaction was completed.

You can download a CSV file on the bottom right hand corner of page too if it’s easier for you to sort/view in spreadsheets.

The ‘ERC Token Txns’ tab contains various ERC-20 token info transactions if you’re ever looking for this info too. AVAX is going to be located on that first “Transaction” tab that loads.

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I get what you mean by the total in/out value, this makes sense.
Why then is the MetaMask wallet now showing this last transaction under activity tab ?

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Great question! Sometimes the activity on MetaMask doesn’t share everything. This is why it’s best practice to use the blockchain explorer. Blockchain explorer is the source of all truth. If a transaction was completed, it will be listed there.

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