Send USDT to cryptodotcom

Hi MetaMaskers!

What is the correct way to send USDT on BSC network to cryptodotcom?
I selected deposit, crypto, bnb, bsc chain and copied address.
I used this address to make transfer. Transaction confirmed, all fine on bscscan, but nothing appeared on cryptodotcom.
Did I miss smthng?

Thx in advance 4 your help.

Hi @lee_roy the best thing to do is to contact support :point_down: and they will check your transaction.


I did, they said Deposited coin is unsupported and offered a 100 USDT fee to refund.

They added, that the deposited coin is BSC peg USD, which is unsupported. I have USDT in my wallet, how did it turn to that? Iā€™m too dumb for this.

Hi Lee_roy

Please always consult with cex/exchange first in case of any deposit and withdraw, whether they support the given chain and given token before depositing/withdrawing. Also, I believe USDT_BSC is pegged to the value of the US dollar and is BEP-20 token in BSC chain


Thanks for the help. Seems I have to swap to BNB and support all the fees and conversion rates and the I can more or less safely make transfer.
Thx again and take care.


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