Hi all!!
I did the rookie mistake of sending my FORM which were in BEP20 format to my metamask wallet which obviously can only receive ERC20 format of tokens. Please help, how can i recover them?
Thank you!!
Hi all!!
I did the rookie mistake of sending my FORM which were in BEP20 format to my metamask wallet which obviously can only receive ERC20 format of tokens. Please help, how can i recover them?
Thank you!!
Hi @Apache MetaMask wallet supports BEP20 tokens but you have to add BSC network:
Settings - Networks - Add Network
Network Name: Smart Chain
New RPC URL: https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/
ChainID: 56
Symbol: BNB
Block Explorer URL: https://bscscan.com
Click SAVE
Next step: open this page https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/formation-fi/ and click on fox
thank you :D:D:D tokens are now displaying :D:D:D thanks for saving my rookie ass