Sent USDT Binance to Coinlist. Recoup in Testnet Metamask

After transferring USDT from Binance to coinlist via Binance Smart Chain, it never arrived. Binance suggested to open a Metamask account to get my tokens back. In, it says that I interacted with a contract BUSD-T Stablecoin. Also I don’t understand why the tokens transferred says [Binance-Peg … (BUSD-T)] Can someone help me how can i get my tokens back? I attached transaction details.

Hi shadow, send BUSD-T to MetaMask? from Binance

  1. Add Binance Smart Chain
  2. Click Add token - select Custom token - add Token Contract Address: 0x55d398326f99059ff775485246999027b3197955
    $1.00 | Binance-Peg BSC-USD (BSC-USD) Token Tracker | BscScan

Hi Luigi, Thank you for your answer! I added Binance Smart chain as you suggested and the BUSD-T token on metamask wallet. I think BUSD-T is for BNB USDT. Should i transfer BNB or BUSD from Binance to Metamask? After transferring how can i get my funds back when i withdrew from and deposited to my address?

Binance Smart Chain use gas BNB Send from Binance on your Metamas (use BEP20 for transaction)
But first contact coinlist: and write them a message: I send BUSD-T to Coinlist ETH adress…

Thank you i will get some bnb but I wrote to my case and gave them the details but not answer as of today. It has been more than 10 days.

10 days :see_no_evil: much

I believe as is a custodial wallet. I wonder if there is a way to get the private key or seed phrase from custodial wallets?

shadow Custodial Wallet is defined as a wallet in which the private keys are held by a third party. Custodial Wallet not provide people private keys. Non-custodial is bette :grinning:

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