I've send USDT to my binance smart chain address from metamask

i withdraw 39 usdt from my binance to my metamask binance smart chain adsress . I’ve selected bep20 network . i’ve added USDT token in bsc metamask , but it shows 0 usdt . The transaction didn’t arrived on my metamask . What to do ???

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Hello, I just had the same issue. I sent 100 USDT on my Metamask Binance Smart Chain. Do you have any news ?

Waskalien When entered your Metamask ETH address to https://bscscan.com/ show you USDT? in Token:

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Yes indeed !
Is it therefore possible to recover ?

Must add Binance-Peg BUSD-T Contract address: 0x55d398326f99059ff775485246999027b3197955

Add Token - Custom Token and add Token Contract Address…

custom token

but first step :point_right: https://academy.binance.com/en/articles/connecting-metamask-to-binance-smart-chain


I had surely added the wrong USDT token, yours works.
Thanks a lot !

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I did like that . My usdt appeared . But then i have send that “usdt” from metamask bsc network to AscenEx and it does’t arrived. The address is not for USDT how it shows in metamask . They are infact BUSDT . And guess what ? I lost my funds because Ascendex doesn’t work with BUSDT. Ihave to pay 100 $ to recover 40…

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When metamask support gave me the address to “USDT” to add on my metamask token they gave me infact BUSDT address but they didn’t mentioned

Very strange situation I’m in

It appeared the same in my metamask like in your screenshot . 0 theter and 40 $ in “Usdt” . But infact that is BUSDT…and nobody tells you that . And if you try to send it anywere it will be lost . Because u dont’t dream that that are infact BUSDT …because there is written USDT…

F k meta . F k binance…i think i will move to another platforms. Its not possible to not know how to communicate whit clients

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I belived the same that it worked. But infact if you try to sent that " USDT " they are BUSDT …AND LIKE ME IVE SEND IT TO ANCENDEX AND LOST . GREAT WORK

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Muchas gracias!!
Yo tenía el mismo problema y siguiendo tus instrucciones, ahora veo el token.


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I did all that, and i see my USDT tokens but i can send them or swap them

Jbreezy14 can’t send? must send 0.01 BNB on your metamask ETH address
and for this BNB transaction you must use withdraw BEP20

Especially be careful :slightly_smiling_face: this is Binance Smart Chain not Ethereum network
Send only to wallet or web with support Binance Smart Chain :exclamation:

I don’t understand, i see my ustd tokens but i cannot access it

Jbreezy14 This is ok :slightly_smiling_face: but this is Binance Smart Chain network is not Ethereum network
and Binance Smart Chain use some gas/transaction fee :point_right: BNB
Open your Binance and send 0.01 BNB to your Metamask ETH address 0xc9C3…
must use BEP20 Binance Smart Chain for withdrawal BNB

for example: this is Binance Smart Chain transaction :point_down: use fee 0.00036127 BNB

MAte the more i look at this the more it stinks like a scam of useless proportions, I wonder how many shrapnel amounts are stranded on metmask wallets

From Binance, the minimum transfer is 0.05bnb.

and for ethereum, 0.0008

About 30 dollars each… to pay a 17 dollar fee… both ways… to recover, 40 dollars…