SOLVED -- Out of gas error

Since last Brave update, Ledger was not able to connect with MetaMask (error: Internal JSON-RPC error), so I have restored it on Firefox as in another thread described.

I’m able to sign the transaction with ledger, but they always fail.
I get following errors:

  • Warning! Error encountered during contract execution [ Out of gas ]
  • ERC-20 Token Transfer Error (Unable to locate corresponding Transfer Event Logs), Check with Sender.

I have increased gas but it didn’t help.

Any idea what the problem could be…?

MetaMask 9.5.5
OSX 11.4
FireFox 88.0.1
Brave 1.25.68
Ledger Firmware 1.3.0

Screenshot 2021-05-30 at 17.06.11

It worked on Chrome :wink:
I recommend having different browsers and not update them all at the same time. So you could restore on another one if you have problems after an update…