Hi, I’ve sent 50 SXP from my swipe wallet to Metamask using BSC address on Metamask. It shows completed on Swipe Wallet but there is no trace of it in Metamask. I,ve added SXP coin to my account so I don’t understand why it’s not showing. Am I missing something?
Hi kristobalZ, enter your ETH Metamask address to https://bscscan.com/ see your SXP? in Token:
no, nothing in there
hmm enter your ETH Metamask address to https://etherscan.io
my ETH address now is showing all other tokens but no SXP
the other thing is that Account 2 that I had created for BSC completely disappeared from Metamask
kristobalZ and send SXP to Account 2?
yes, but the account 2 was still here like an hour ago- I 've sent it 8hours ago. Now it’s gone
try adding account again
I also used that account for Swipe Farm staking and just tried to access it and I can’t. How can account just disappear?
I clicked create and it came back
but no SXP and it’s only BNB there no other added assets
great, you send it using bsc and it’s ok but when you do the same thing the other way you loose your money.
thanks for help Luigi
kristobalZ maybe not what is your ETH address account 2?
try adding sxp address
got it, it’s there. Thanks a lot Luigi, now I have to figure out how to transfer them to bsc account jeeeez