The tokens I sent in the incomplete transaction are there

I can’t add an image. How will I ask my question?
new user cannot add anything,
I renewed the web page before the shopping page was completed. It says buyer tokens did not arrive. I can see the tokens from bscscan. Is there a way to withdraw these tokens?

What token? At your ETH address? You need to give more info :sweat_smile: must add BSC network.

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I forgot because I can’t add an image. BSC network in USDC token. Metamask reached in transactions.
I see it in bscscan transactions. The USDC token alone is sitting there at such an address.
https:// www. hizliresim .com/t01rhi5
https:// www.hizliresim .com/nh9kj7x

I forgot because I can’t add an image. BSC network in USDC token. Metamask reached in transactions.
I see it in bscscan transactions. The USDC token alone is sitting there at such an address.

(delete here)https hizliresim(delete here).com/t01rhi5
(delete here)https hizliresim(delete here) .com/nh9kj7x

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Guys please help. How long has this money been sitting there?

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This picture doesn’t help me much :smile: everything is hidden.
Recipient’s address (To:0x…) is yours eth metamask address?

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This is photo. Thanks in advance.

Recipient’s address is:
not contract address :crazy_face: do you know who this eth address belongs to?

413 USDC is still there.


Can you share your public wallet address here on the board?