Tokens will not load on my wallet

My tokens will not load on my Metamask besides Ethereum and I tried loading on another browser and it does not show them at all!?!?!?!

Then I tried to send my Ethereum off of Metamask and it will not allow me to take it out of the wallet!?!?

What is happening?

Hi there,

Be sure you’ve added the custom tokens to your MetaMask wallet to view your balances.

Another helpful guide for viewing your ERC-20 tokens on MetaMask is the article:

How to View Your Custom Tokens in MetaMask published on the ConsenSys blog

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hey there, i have the same problem. I send eth from to metamask to receive BNB. I also fixed the network settings, but it wont show me BNB. On BSCscan I can see that there arrived the token i sent