

I have the same problem how to solve

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The app has not been uninstalled, you can help us

There is enough storage space on the device, and suddenly you can’t log in


No backup account private key

Unable to log in due to storage limit reached, local data corrupted

This is a new address, and it has not been backed up yet, so metamask will not be able to log in

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Hello, don’t trust anyone. Don’t provide private keys and seed phrases to anyone. Remember, all those who ask you to provide these are liars

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Don’t give your phrase or passwords to anyone . Only take advice from verified guides and community moderators . Andy one contacting you outside this community is not part of this community.

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But my account cannot log in due to memory limitations, which means that my private key is also lost

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Here is a thread with a similar problem, which you can view

is there anyway i can help? this may be pertaining to me

如果您仍然遇到此问题,请通过 MetaMask 支持在 support.MetaMask.io 提交帮助台工单,单击蓝色的开始对话按钮,它会将您连接到机器人,然后连接到在线代理。