I sent BNT to my metamask wallet. Transaction is confirmed, but not in my wallet. I added the BSC network also to my wallet.
This is the confirmation, however not visible in my metamask wallet
I sent BNT to my metamask wallet. Transaction is confirmed, but not in my wallet. I added the BSC network also to my wallet.
This is the confirmation, however not visible in my metamask wallet
Hi @nootski try to add BNT manually click Add Token - Custom Token
Token Contract Address: 0xa069008a669e2af00a86673d9d584cfb524a42cc
Hi Luigi,
I already was a fan of Mario Brothers, but Luigi is now definitely my favourite! Your solution worked, thanks very much!!!
I was happy to help
Luigi is simply unstoppable
Hello Luigi,
Since you were of help to someone, I got kind of the same issue since last week. I sent a few ETH from Kraken to my metamask. Transaction confirmed within 2 minutes but ETH is not displaying on my wallet.
I have a EUR account on Kraken - bought ETH, withdrew and sent them to my Metamask. I can see the transaction there but it is still says 0 ETH as balance. Kraken said that they used the default Ethereum Mainnet as the primary network.
Any feedback/advise would be highly appreciated.
@Favio I’ll write you a private message I need more information.
Hi Luigi, I know you will be of help, so mistakenly sent from Binance to metamask ETH using the wrong network, how can I recover my ETH in metamask?? Thanks in advance
Hi @Yoliswhite Connecting MetaMask to Binance Smart Chain
open this page https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethereum/ and click on Fox
I transferred my trust wallet to MetaMask but didn’t receive anything either . Transaction Hash:
Hi @MightxTy Click
Settings - Networks - Add Network
Network Name: Smart Chain
RPC URL: https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/
ChainID: 56
Symbol: BNB
Block Explorer URL: https://bscscan.com
Click SAVE
Open: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/wifedoge/ and click on fox
I did that and it said deeplink not supported
@MightxTy or add token manually: click Add Token
Token Contract Address: 0x07b36f2549291d320132712a1e64d3826b1fb4d7
I got wifedoge tolen on matemask. Before that I sent my wifedoge to MetaMask main ethereum wallet now it didn’t show up
@MightxTy you added BSC network?
I sent my wifedoge straight from trust wallet to my main MetaMask etheruem wallet without pancake swap to bnb. I don’t know where all the money went now
How do I send my wifedoge to my main ethereum wallet?
@MightxTy This is not possible Wifedoge is just a BEP-20 token on the BSC network.