Transaction rejected shows up ethscan 0 spend appreoved and 0 gas for this transaction yet USDC was in it

transaction rejected shows up ethscan 0 spend appreoved and 0 gas for this transaction yet XX USDC was in it. I went onchain and clicked reject which changed the status to approved for approving the revoke, on the transaction i rejected inmm I have the lson file from mm I need to prove this happened to an ico or they will send it to this wallet that after that point i compromised my wallet how can I find someone who can prove from mm json file?

so the founder will be convinced it happened and send my ico to an un compromised wallet in fact the one that funded the compromised wallet and for vindication to show all those who say it is impossible



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Hello @VietKing, welcome to MetaMask community!

Everything is recorded on chain, that’s where the truth resides, in the block explorer for each respective network. The json file is not to be shared, nor the private keys, nor the Secret Recovery Phrase, not ever.

I don’t understand exactly what happened and this makes me think, from your story, that you have invested in a scam. Do not share any json files with anyone, those are only for yourself only.


@VietKing ,

If you’d like to discuss more on this, please reach out to our support at . Choose the blue ‘Start a Conversation’ bubble.

As Chinzilla said, NOBODY (including support or MetaMask) will ever ask for your Secret Recovery Phrase, a json file, or private keys. Never give them to anyone, never provide them on a form, website, pop-up window, or anywhere else. These are for you only.

I edited out your dollar amount for your safety against social engineering attempts.

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