Transfer between accounts within metamask - transaction completed but the token not appearing in metamask

Transferred token from Account-1 of MetaMask in BSC Network to Account-2 of MetaMask in Fantom Network.

The transfer transaction is completed with transaction ID 0x22feb4d3b66ec686b5fcb6610e434a161a5bce32e16953293a35e13a61536d79.

However the token is not appearing in my Account-2.

Please assist to resolve this.

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Hi, the same thing happened to me with WETH. I have sent from Account 1 to Account 2 within the same wallet in Metamask, the transaction appears as done but has not reached my Account 2.
Please help me

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Hey @mebaMM and @Martin2, tokens cannot be sent directly from network to network, they must be transferred using a bridge. Here is more information on our Knowledge Base:

The tokens should be on your Account 2 on the same network that they were sent on.


I Thank you once again for your excellent guidance in resolving the issues faced by novice like me and it is a great learning experience as I overcome every hurdle faced during my journey in crypto space with your timely assistance and guidance.
I really appreciate for your efforts and the time taken out for resolving issues faced by community members. Thanks once again! :pray: :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for replying nakedwinnie!
Use two addresses within the same wallet within the same network (Matic). However it did not reach my destination address.

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Hi Winnie!

So it says on my account 3 that I have USDC in it (also shows on bscscan) but when I go to send/swap it shows that I don’t have enough liquidity (even if I go to .00001).

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@Martin2, would you be able to send the wallet address you have sent the WETH to? Or a transaction hash of the transaction? That would provide more helpful information.

Make sure you have also added WETH on Polygon as a custom token.

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Hey @bleasy91, please create a new topic for your separate issue :slight_smile:

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