I’m creating a native iOS dApp that uses MetaMask and Rainbow for Auth and signing transactions using Wallet Connect 2, but I’m running into some difficulty. All the following code works with Rainbow.
I setup as follows. The DefaultSocketFactory
and DefaultCryptoProvider
are from the demo app
Networking.configure(projectId: Self.ProjectId, socketFactory: DefaultSocketFactory())
Auth.configure(crypto: DefaultCryptoProvider())
let metadata = AppMetadata(name: "Source",
description: "A mobile application acting as a Dapp to connect to a crypto wallet using the WalletConnect SDK",
url: Self.ClientUrl.absoluteString,
icons: ["https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/5qgAAOSwoBtW3zvq/s-l400.jpg"])
Pair.configure(metadata: metadata)
Task {
try await Sign.instance.cleanup()
Then I auth using this code
func authenticate(usingWallet wallet: WalletConnectType) {
Task(priority: .userInitiated) {
guard let uri else {
Task { @MainActor in
self.authenticatedState = .notAuthenticated
do {
try await Auth.instance.request(.stub(), topic: uri.topic)
} catch {
Task { @MainActor in
self.authenticatedState = .notAuthenticated
Task { @MainActor in
let url = URL(string: "https://\(wallet.universalLinkHost)/wc?uri=\(uri.deeplinkUri)")
private extension RequestParams {
static func stub(
domain: String = "service.invalid",
chainId: String = "eip155:1",
nonce: String = "32891756",
aud: String = "https://service.invalid/login",
nbf: String? = nil,
exp: String? = nil,
statement: String? = "I accept the ServiceOrg Terms of Service: https://service.invalid/tos",
requestId: String? = nil,
resources: [String]? = ["ipfs://bafybeiemxf5abjwjbikoz4mc3a3dla6ual3jsgpdr4cjr3oz3evfyavhwq/", "https://example.com/my-web2-claim.json"]
) -> RequestParams {
return RequestParams(
domain: domain,
chainId: chainId,
nonce: nonce,
aud: aud,
nbf: nbf,
exp: exp,
statement: statement,
requestId: requestId,
resources: resources
MetaMask opens, but it does not react. Testing with Rainbow, it opens and shows the authentication popup.
Can you help diagnose what I’m doing wrong?