Why is there no test network in Firefox?

I use the wallet in Firefox, but I find that there is no test network in the wallet, why is that?

Hello @fengqingyang , you have to configure and create the testnet network on your metamask wallet


But test network in gooogle browser meta mask is the default

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You can always switch to the Mainet and test net on the metamask wallet on the google chrome extensions .


Hi Feng,

What test network are you trying to use?

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Settings - Network - add network
Find the test network you need to add on the network and add it manually


Hi @fengqingyang open :gear: Settings :arrow_right: Advanced
and find: Show test networks :slightly_smiling_face: switch to ON

Show test networks


What he said should be the default test network of metamask, I think the solution upstairs can solve his problem :point_up_2:

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