Will the remittance be reflected if I clear the blockage?

Guide Guide

>Did you authorize these RARIBLE TOKEN transactions ?

The gas fees for each of those transactions cost more than 95$ . And it’ was executed about 5 to 6 times .

Will the remittance be reflected if I clear the blockage?

And what is the way to do it?

I sent Ethereum from Binance to MetaMask

but it is not reflected. There is no doubt about the network. Please tell me the possible causes!

MY Wallet address


Transaction hash



Will the remittance be reflected if I clear the blockage?

And what is the way to do it?

Hello, please recognize the metamask guide logo, protect your private key and don’t disclose it. I’m checking the reason for you.

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Are these all your operations

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I don’t know, but how can I reflect Ethereum?

If this is your operation, you should know that if it is not your operation, it means it has been stolen, so you need to recall whether these operations were carried out by yourself


Hello @Usagi , just as @Tksly stated , and I did too in our previous topics .

You have interacted with a contract that demands high gas fees . Did you make this interaction yourself or it wasn’t your authorization?


Probably something I operated myself…

Metamask is a decentralized wallet. Before you disclose the private key, it only belongs to you, so all operations must be cautious. We should ensure the security of the wallet, do not click on strange links, and do not easily authorize unknown applications. If you encounter problems with metamask, you can contact us at any time. We need to know what operations you have carried out, so as to know whether it is your own operation, As far as your account is concerned, if it is determined that it is your own operation, there will be no problem. It may be that you have authorized many times during the transaction. If it is not your operation, the account may be stolen. :face_with_monocle:


Okay, be careful.

Is there any way to reflect my Ethereum in MetaMask? :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops:

Hello, you Mint 6 NFTs. Each NFT costs about $100 gas, so your eth has been consumed. You can open opensea and see your NFT on your personal page.


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