Withdrawal Address Is Not a Smart Contract?

I understand from the FAQ “Why is my validator’s withdrawal address not my own?” that the withdrawal address is a smart contract, but when I look up the Withdrawal Address associated with my validator on etherscan.io it, doesn’t show as a Smart Contract, shows as an “Address”.

Can anyone please explain this, is there a way to see the details of the Withdrawal Address and Smart Contract?

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Are you referring to staking using MetaMask Portfolio?


Yes, specifically Validator Staking through MetaMask Portfolio: https://support.metamask.io/hc/en-us/articles/21134313368219-How-do-I-stake-with-validator-staking#:~:text=Validator%20staking%20involves%20depositing%2032,responsibility%20of%20maintaining%20the%20validator.

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Thanks for clarifying, would you please reach out to MetaMask Support.

  • This will connect you to a bot at first, answer some questions and it will open a ticket for you with an agent.

Remember - NOBODY, including from support, will ask for your secret recovery phrase or for you to input it onto any website for confirmation.