Wrong deposit network address

I try to deposit Ethereum in my Metalmask wallet but I choose wrong network instead of choosing (ETH) I choose (BSC)

Hi @hashd Welcome to the MetaMask Community.

Try this :point_down:


Hi Luigi
System did not let me to reply you on my topic
About my ronin wallet address do you have any pv email address or something that I can send it to you?
Do you remember that I lost my SLP when I wanted to transfer them from Binance to my trust wallet


@Maryam12121212 click View on Explorer
on the page explorer.roninchain.com click ERC20 Transfer you see a SLP token?

Yes I saw that.
thank you very much

@Maryam12121212 but the wallet still does not display them? :slightly_smiling_face:

No it doesn’t show in my wallet just I can see that in explorer roninchain
Do you know what happened and how can I transfer them?

Click the button Send select ASSET: SLP shows 0?

Try used Ronin Bridge https://bridge.roninchain.com/withdraw

They send message that you don’t have asset to transfer it
But I can see my SLP :face_with_monocle:

So ronin bridge displays 3782 SLP? and when you click button :point_down: SEND shows 0?

Yes exactly that happened
I can see my SLP but I can’t transfer it

When I press send I can see my SLP but when I put transaction ID and press it it said there is no coin to send

But beware: Only withdraw to your MetaMask wallet.

MetaMask wallet

Used a MetaMask wallet addres? and you need ETH to pay for the gas.

Watch this video:

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Ok thanks Luigi to spend your time and help us

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@Luigi is our superhero. :heartbeat:


@lsq THANK YOOU :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@Maryam12121212 I hope it goes well :slightly_smiling_face:

HI, hopefully you can help me. I used the wrong address, I wrongly copy & paste my BNB wallet address. My Weth already more then 2 month stuck on Roninchain, this is the address roninchain Transaction Hash: 0x8ba2f35e53ff7186b31b9bca2f9ea04d8f047a9df9f3d75c1c9fb3d6ec28de4c

on the ‘Click to see more’ area it show.

[0]-[_owner]: 0x4ec7c811cb58d04c5e16d10d615d90f9e68969fd (my BNB wallet address)

support to be my metamask wallet address 0x0d44402D155909BB8Ed03e27D6d9509E5A6f95B0

I dont know how to settle the mistake? Please help…thanks

Hi @maxgocy man where you sent it :see_no_evil: Ronin Bridge does not display any pending transaction?

Hi Luigi, this is the screenshot I take before.