A previous transaction is still being signed or submitted (again)


this only happens with one network, the other networks work well and I can send transactions. What does it have to do with if I change my account, I see the same thing. how can this be fixed?

It seems to me that some file is stuck in the browser and MM accesses this local file and cannot confirm. if I use this network in a mobile application with the same address, it also works well. I think this is a bug in flask MetaMask

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Hi @ebthis,

In your MetaMask wallet, clear activity and nonce data, from the following path:

Settings> Advanced> Clear activity and nonce data

After doing so, if the issue persists, clear your browser cache and refresh the page as well. I think that should resolve the issue.

By the way, have you had any transactions on this network before? From your screenshot since the nonce is equal to zero, that means the current transaction should be the first one on this network.


there were transactions, but this is a screenshot of the new address, I said that I tried to switch the address to see the scale of the situation.

the thing is that I want to get an answer to what it was, because the option of clearing MM data does not really suit me

but if this is the only thing the MetaMask team can recommend then I will do so, but not right away, perhaps you have bugs in the application and if these bugs jeopardize the well-being of users, then you will most likely correct the situation soon and release an update

From my side, I’m ready to share the logs you ask to resolve this issue

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could this happen if I disabled pop-up notifications in the browser through the pop-up notification interface while performing transactions?

for example, I disabled notifications and this somehow stopped reading new data from the stream and the application still waits for a signal from the notification function. By the way, I can’t turn notifications back on through the browser interface


and it’s also strange that I couldn’t disable these notifications through the browser interface, no matter what option I choose, it remains the one that was originally set. When I first wanted to disable it, I couldn’t change the allow value to block in the browser settings, but I was able to do it through the notification settings. Now I don’t see pop-up notifications even with approv which is available and I can’t enable them. also the reset button does not work for the notification option, I can reset all other parameters via the reset button, but not this parameter

Have you had any transactions with the same address on this network before?
“If” it is not the first transaction on this network under the same account, then it means that the nonce of the transaction is not zero. Under this condition: The transaction with nonce zero has already been executed. The nonce for this transaction is equal to the nonce of the last transaction for the same account on this network +1. That is the reason you got such an error shown in your first screenshot.

Since you mentioned that you have NOT encountered such an issue with your MetaMask app on your mobile, that means the issue should get resolved by what I suggested above. I usually solve such issues in this way.


If you do not have any transactions under the same account on this network (i.e., the nonce of the transaction is zero) then it may be a bug. Please first respond to the question I asked.

If it is a bug, it would be best to report it to the support team.


“If” it is not the first transaction on this network under the same account , then it means that the nonce of the transaction is not zero

I switched to a new address and could not make a single transaction because I saw a message like in the screenshot, I can create a new address and still receive this message

I usually solve such issues in this way.

I don’t like this solution, of course I know about it and when I first started learning web3 I did this more than once. but this is somehow simple and does not solve the main issue, avoiding the occurrence of such an unpleasant situation in the future for anyone

I think it would be nice for MetaMask to have a troubleshooting button, for example, it can check the integrity and characteristics of all its own system files based on the installed version, as well as related files, for example, you can do this online using AI, I think this is a fairly easy task for you, unless of course you want this for your own users

Of course, this is a bug, I came across only one mention of such a bug and with such a screenshot on the MetaMask github, but the developers somehow take this issue lightly, and this leads to the loss of the client base, they say that they will consider this issue, but I see that people They continue to add reports about this over the years. That’s why I don’t count on MetaMask support, I myself, to be honest, am planning to change this application, it’s certainly good and has good advanced settings, but it doesn’t want to grow

So, it is the first transaction on this address, i.e., nonce equal to zero.
Do you have the native token to pay the gas fee on that network?


at the moment I solved this by disabling flask and installing the standard version of MetaMask and everything works well in it, and if you solve this issue in a future update then I can use flask again and leave this application because I can fix the situation without such barbaric methods

yes of course there is, I requested it and everything is fine with gas, the button is not active, but when I make an approved token, the button works and the transaction goes through, the button is blocked only in the confirm state

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rror: getMinimumGasTotalInHexWei expects either gasPrice OR the EIP-1559 gas fields, but neither were provided
  at n.getMinimumGasTotalInHexWei (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-2.js:15:838146)
  at a.transactionFeeSelector (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-10.js:1:345377)
  at n.default.txData [as mapToProps] (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-8.js:1:99640)
  at r (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-2.js:1:144756)
  at p (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-2.js:1:143078)
  at chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-2.js:1:143285
  at chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-2.js:1:135993
  at Object.useMemo (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-1.js:33:271499)
  at n.useMemo (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/common-4.js:8:455406)
  at x (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-2.js:1:135937)
  at ga (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-1.js:33:266221)
  at Za (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-1.js:33:274429)
  at Qa (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-1.js:33:274248)
  at _l (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-1.js:33:314604)
  at Ru (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-1.js:33:297011)
  at Au (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-1.js:33:296936)
  at Su (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-1.js:33:294276)
  at chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-1.js:33:252626
  at n.unstable_runWithPriority (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-2.js:1:335481)
  at $i (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-1.js:33:252335)
  at eo (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-1.js:33:252571)
  at Zi (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-1.js:33:252506)
  at Eu (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-1.js:33:294570)
  at Object.notify (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-2.js:1:150701)
  at a.notifyNestedSubs (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-2.js:1:150268)
  at a.handleChangeWrapper (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-2.js:1:150336)
  at b (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-2.js:1:323262)
  at chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-2.js:1:321277
  at e.<computed> (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/sentry-install.js:1:693)
  at dispatch (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-2.js:1:324239)
  at chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-11.js:1:104515
  at Object.dispatch (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-2.js:1:321268)
  at chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-7.js:1:15805
  at a.<anonymous> (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-9.js:1:346098)
  at i (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/common-0.js:1:643781)
  at a.emit (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/common-0.js:1:644185)
  at c.handleResponse (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/ui-9.js:1:346592)
  at s.emit (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/common-3.js:7:284016)
  at w (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/common-4.js:8:461112)
  at v (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/common-4.js:8:460927)
  at y.push (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/common-4.js:8:461741)
  at t.exports._write (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/common-4.js:8:315909)
  at y (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/common-4.js:8:480537)
  at chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/common-4.js:8:483721
  at b.write (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/common-4.js:8:483748)
  at i.l (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/common-3.js:7:332530)
  at s.emit (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/common-3.js:7:284016)
  at z (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/common-3.js:7:326212)
  at F (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/common-3.js:7:325942)
  at L.push (chrome-extension://ljfoeinjpaedjfecbmggjgodbgkmjkjk/common-3.js:7:326542)

If there are developers MetaMask here, please tell me what you think about it?

Can you please create and describe your issue here:

And a developer will be able to look at it in more detail


i not have github so only here