Anti-feature request: how to disable the recently added price change & chart?

A recent update added a lot of clutter to the UI:

Everything I marked in this screens is useless for me and increases the cognitive effort of operating the wallet.
When first seeing this I was surprised this was made the default. After spending a few minutes in the settings I realized that it’s worse than that, it seems to not even be configurable. Or is it and I couldn’t figure out how to?

Hi @didi thank you so much for sharing feedback with us :pray: I’ll share your comments with the team. As an alternative to hiding the charts you can go to Settings, Security and Privacy, and turn off the Basic functionality. Hope this suggestion helps you :orange_heart:

It looks like the recent update added some unwanted clutter to the UI, and unfortunately, it seems like those elements aren’t configurable at the moment. :confused: If you’ve already checked the settings and can’t find any options to disable them, you might need to wait for a future update or reach out to support for feedback. Hopefully, they’ll add more customization options soon! [:gear:]:bulb:

@didi and just to add, in case you want to update your MetaMask extension in the future, here you can find the correct way to do it, please don’t trust any YT video showing “how to update the MetaMask extension” through phishing links, please be careful :warning: