BIC etf balance is zero

i bought in the presale BTC etf and inmported the token but the balace is zero. Will that change when it is launched?

Hi friend! We’re going to need more details to be able to help you more efficiently.

  1. Which chain did you purchase this token on? Connect to this chain on MetaMask and import the smart contract manually.
  2. Has this token been distributed yet? Reach out to the team/community and ask.
  3. Please ensure that this token is not a scam. The name of the token is very concerning to me and I would based on the name alone label it as a scam, but I haven’t researched the token myself. Stay safe friend.

If you want me to take a deeper dive into your case then please share your public address but only do so if it’s something you’re comfortable with.

Note: NEVER share your seed phrase with others. MetaMask will never contact you.


Hi, the token is not yet approved. The site is btcetftoken . io I get the code 0…MetaMask recognise it but doesn’t load my balance. And the site i can connect with MetaMask wallet en see my balance. It is my first time in crypto with a wallet so i’m learning…
Thank you fot the respons.

Has the token been distributed yet? Are you able to find it on block explorer when you enter your wallet address?


Hello, it isn’t on matket yet. I think that’s the problem. Thank you very much for your support!

No worries friend! :smiley:

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the BTCETF token is now officially on the market.
I have transferred my purchased tokens to my MetaMask wallet.
Is there a way to see the current value of my tokens here as well?
The general price information is available on coinmarketcap .

Thank you very much!

Currently, MetaMask may not have prices (legal value) for all tokens. As you said check the current fixed value of your tokens at Coingecko or Coinmarketcap.


thank you very much for the information. As I am relatively new to this topic: Is this a general “problem” with newer tokens that the rates are not displayed here? Or does it depend on the wallet? Could I transfer the tokens to coinbase, for example, and see the correct exchange rate there?

Hey @Ardeo, please see here on our Knowledge Base:


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