BNB on etherium network

Hi, Im kinda new to crypto and I accidentally swap eth to bnb on etherium network. After that, I was not able to find the solution to switch the network to binance smart chain for bnb so decided to send it to Binance. I selected receiving bnb from etherium network on Binance and copy paste the address to the metamask. On etherscan, it said that transaction has succeed but I dont see the token on Binance.
Please help

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Please post in the proper section.

A transaction hash would help us figure out what happened in that transaction.

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Thank you for changing the category.
I didn’t see that on my smartphone.
Here is a transaction hash;

Thank you

From that transaction hash it looks like there are about 9.8WBNB in that address, is that token you’re looking for?

If so you’ll just need to add that token as a custom token. Here’s the steps. How to View Your Custom Tokens in MetaMask

You sent it to binance?

The 9.8WBNB was already in the metamask.
But because it was shown as BNB on metamask, when i send it back to Binance, I selected BNB not WBNB.

That is correct.
But I send it as BNB not WBNB

I haven’t used binance in a long time :smile:

Binance not support Ethereum (ERC20) deposit for WBNB

Contact Binance support:

Oh ok, just for future reference, what was the correct way or thing I should have done to move my WBNB on Etherium network?
Just swap it to ETH?

To move your WBNB from Ethereum to Binance Smart Chain, you can use a bridge to transfer from network to network. There are several bridge applications you can use to move tokens from Ethereum to Binance Smart Chain, at your own discretion.

Here is more information on our Knowledge Base:

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Yeah, I tried to use Binance smart chain bridge but didn’t got it to work. Maybe I should have done more researches.
Anyway, thank you all for the helps!

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